Kappa Beta Gamma (ΚΒΓ)
International Sorority

Kappa Beta Gamma is an international sorority that has been in existence since 1917, but was recently established at 利记sbo on December 7, 2013. The Alpha Epsilon Chapter of KBG was built by thirteen founding members and is organized by an Executive Board and a variety of chairs. One of KBG’s main focuses are giving back to the community and leaving a positive impact. With efforts centered around the international philanthropy, Special Olympics; Kappas around the world are regularly raising funds in effort of supporting the inspiring program.

The Alpha Epsilon Chapter participates in different events that support the Special Olympics including the Polar Plunge, Spread the Word to end the Word, Autism Awareness, Friendship Circle, and co-hosting a Special Olympics Dance. Not only does Kappa Beta Gamma stand beside the Special Olympics, but also by the motto, “Character, Culture, Courage.” KBG positively guides its sisters and hopes to improve them morally, socially, and intellectually. The Alpha Epsilon Chapter also hopes to help individuals grow as a person, student, and professionally while giving back to the community.

Chapter: Alpha Epsilon
Colors: Blue and Gold
Nickname: KBG, Kappas
Council: SC (Sorority Council)

Kappa Beta Gamma - Coat of Arms

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